
I previously created a short message service within Vas3k.Club, but the UX was convoluted, and users found it difficult to adopt. While Vas3k.Club has spaces for long-form posts, short questions, and other announcements, it lacks a dedicated service for shorter text formats like Twitter. I believe the community would be more vibrant if it could communicate through briefer interactions.

Unfortunately, chats make it very difficult to separate topics from comments, hindering constructive communication. Chats are only actively used by a few members, whereas a platform like ours is well-suited for on-demand communication.

Project Overview

We aim to create a bot that will automatically forward user messages to a channel where members can read and comment on short messages in a feed-like format. Within the bot, admins can moderate the channel and block users.

Consequences of Inaction

It seems that members are finding it increasingly difficult to write posts due to high expectations and character limits. Sooner or later, this could lead to the stagnation of the Club, as it revolves around content.

Success Metrics

Our expectation is to see several posts and comments per week. We will actively promote the project to encourage user adoption. If there is a prolonged lack of posts and comments, or if their volume remains too low, we reserve the right to freeze the project or relaunch it within other communities.

Functional Requirements

User Types

  1. Bot Super Admin
  2. Bot Admin
  3. Bot User

Use Case 1: Launching the Bot

User Story

As a user or admin, I want to start using the bot.

Primary Actor

Admin or user
